
Snowshoeing in Wisconsin Dells

You can float on snow! Well…sort of. Exercising in the winter can be tough, but snowshoeing is a fun and rigorous activity that comes with fresh air, beautiful scenery, and a great workout. So stack up those layers and lace up your snowshoes for your winter vacation in Wisconsin Dells!

Mirror Lake – The Lakeview Trail at Mirror Lake State Park is 0.2 miles of stunning beauty as the path hugs a small curve of the lake. A short and easy trail, this is the perfect location for beginners. Having a fantastic view during your first couple snowshoe adventures helps inspire you to brave the winter again and again. Keep an eye out for wildlife! There are sure to be a few deer and other critters wandering around the lake.

Rocky Arbor State Park – Not staffed during the winter, the DNR advises caution to those seeking trails here. You should always have a snowshoeing buddy anyways, but on unstaffed trails, this is especially important. You can park outside the gates and trek in, making for some extra snowshoeing fun! This one-mile nature trail winds its way through all that Wisconsin’s natural beauty has to offer, especially in the wintertime.  Be sure to stop by the creek for an awesome photo opportunity!

Devil’s Lake – The best part about snowshoeing at Devil’s Lake? You can do it anywhere! They just ask that you stay off the ski trails. Roznos Meadow (1.8 mi.) and Grottos Trail (0.7 mi) are the paths recommended for snowshoers. Roznos Meadow trail cuts through a prairie preservation area so while the trail is lengthy, it’s also relatively flat and wide open to miles of winter sites. Grottos Trail is also pretty much level and provides hikers with a view of the natural rock formations. Beginning January 1st of every year, you can rent snowshoes for free from the visitor’s center! 

Lake Delton – While there is not a trail specifically for snowshoeing or hiking on, the lake will come with a dazzling view, a high chance of encountering friendly wildlife, and a safe environment. You can also hike across the Wild Rock golf course for a spacious view of endless crisp, white snow, surrounded by towering pine trees. Warm up by stopping in one of the several restaurants surrounding Lake Delton for a quick snack and drink.

Wisconsin River – Park at the designated Birch Cliff parking lot, located on River Road, strap on the snowshoes, and begin on the winding trail through the woods to a breathtaking view of the Wisconsin River. There’s nothing quite like a view of the Wisconsin River from the top of Birch Cliff. You’ll be able to see the way the river cuts through the rare sandstone formations, while surrounded by trees and endless sky. For the most lovely and photogenic view, we recommend snowshoeing to Birch Cliff!

Wisconsin has unbelievable natural beauty to offer and when it’s all covered in layers of fluffy snow, its just that much more delightful. Whether you’re a snowshoeing newbie, or a pro, get outside for some fresh air and wintertime exercise!
