Outlets at the Dells is partnering with local charities this Saturday, September 19th, for the First Annual Shopping Extravaganza! From 11am-4pm, enjoy a day of live music, shopping discounts, a Fashion Show, and a delicious lunch that is sponsored by Panera Bread, Qdoba, and Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt! Attendees also have the opportunity to win over $10,000 in prizes and savings. Tickets to the event are required and cost $20, with 75% of each ticket sold going to your choice of one of these local charities:
-The American Red Cross
-Assist Wisconsin
-Boys & Girls Club of West Central Wisconsin
-Easter Seals Wisconsin
-Greater Sauk County Community Foundation
-Kids Ranch
-UW Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center
-Happy Kids Network
-St Clare Hospital “Prevention Saves Lives” Program
-Rock Cystic Fibrosis
-St Vincent De Paul of Wisconsin Dells
Wisconsin Dells is a community that believes in giving back, and there’s no better way to do give back to local charities than attend Shopping Extravaganza! Tickets to the event are available at: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/shopping-extravaganza-tickets-18133084544?aff=es2
For more information on Outlets at the Dells, please visit: https://www.dells.com/listing/outlet-at-the-dells/
