
You Cannot Miss This Local Wisconsin Dells Festival

This blog post was published on September 11, 2017 and may contain outdated information.

Ahhhh, get ready for carnival rides and beer tents, an Antique Flea Market and Arts & Crafts Fair, Maxwell Street Days, a 100-unit Parade and a 5K Run. Do you know what all of this means? WO-ZHA-WA WEEKEND IS COMING!

For 51 years, Wo-Zha-Wa Fall Festival has taken over Downtown Wisconsin Dells and there are many reasons why. WoZhaWa, which means “Fun Time” in Native Ho-Chunk is a time of year where all of the out-of-town locals come home and celebrate the beginning of the fall harvest. Even if you’re visiting from out of town, you’ll leave with a weekend full of memories. Wo-Zha-Wa Fall Festival is an event for the whole family.

You can read on about Wo-Zha-Wa Weekend by CLICKING HERE!