
The Story of Valentine’s Day

The story of St. Valentine and the history of St. Valentine’s Day is not an exact one. The fact the Roman Catholic Church recognizes three separate martyred saints named Valentine doesn’t help clear the picture.

One tale has the third century St. Valentine fighting the decree of Roman Emperor Claudius II that young men could not marry. The Emperor thought married men made bad soldiers thus issued the law. It is said this St. Valentine, who disagreed with the law, continued to marry these youthful lovers in secret. When discovered, he was put to death.

Another story has Valentine assisting Christians, who were poorly treated in Roman prisons, escape. When found out, he himself was sent to prison. Here it is said, he fell in love with a girl who some believe was his jailor’s daughter who visited him while imprisoned. He sent her love notes signing them “Your Valentine”. Whether either of these legends is true or not, Valentine’s Day is still celebrated as a time of love by millions throughout the world.

Traces of modern Valentine’s Day go back as far as the 14th century when Chaucer associated love and Valentine in his poetry. In the late 1700’s a book was published in England called “The Young Man’s Valentine Writer”. It was sort of an early “Valentine’s Day for Dummies” to help young men put their romantic feelings into words. In the 1800’s, paper Valentines became extremely popular and they began to be commercially printed.

Today almost 200 million Valentine cards are given in the U.S. alone, many of those to and from children. Common Valentine’s Day gifts include flowers, chocolates, a romantic dinner, and even jewelry.

Today though, more and more couples are choosing to spend time Valentine’s Day away from home. Because Valentine’s Day 2014 falls on a Friday, many will make plans for a romantic weekend getaway. Getting some alone time can recharge or re-ignite a relationship. If you haven’t considered getting away with your loved one for the weekend, now is the time to make plans.

A romantic weekend can still include a nice dinner for two, some needed quiet time, and perhaps even making new memories together. Are you convinced yet? If so, how about considering making a trip to Wisconsin Dells for Valentine’s weekend. Why the Dells? Because there is so much here for a loving couple to do, see, and experience.

For those who appreciate outdoor sports, there are an abundance of snowmobile trails, skiing and snowboarding opportunities. Don’t appreciate the cold? Snuggle by one of the great fires in the lodges and hotels in the area.

Find your inner child by enjoying one of our indoor water parks. Enjoy a relaxing ride on a lazy river or get your blood pumping by heading down a challenging water slide. If you really want to get your adrenaline going, make reservations at one of our year-round zipline adventures.

Valentine’s Day weekend at the Dells may include a luxurious, rejuvenating couples massage or time in an indoor pool or hot tub. Many of our hotels have the availability of in-room Jacuzzi’s to soak away your stress and allow you to reconnect in the comfort of your room. The views are amazing, the air is crisp, and it is the season for love!

The area has a wealth of dining experiences that await you, from the casual to the elegant. There is entertainment for every taste and plenty of places to embrace each other in a slow dance.

Whether you are early in your relationship or celebrating decades together, Wisconsin Dells offers you a weekend you will remember for a lifetime. This year, don’t just settle for a card or candy. Take advantage of a St. Valentine’s Day that falls on a Friday. It’s a perfect time to enjoy a romantic weekend enjoying each other, and everything else that awaits the two of you, at the Dells.

