Winter recreation is every bit as important in the Wisconsin Dells as summer adventures, which is why, when the golf courses and outdoor water parks close up shop, visitors still retain access to several outdoor pursuits. Ice fishing proves especially popular, with the Dells’ picturesque lakes and abundance of fish convincing even the most passionate Packers fans to leave their television behind and spend Sunday afternoons in the great outdoors. If you’re interested in Wisconsin Dells fishing, be sure to check out one of the following prime locations:
Lake Delton
Every year, Lake Delton proves a consistently popular choice for ice fishers looking to sit back and relax with their buddies, not to mention, plenty of beer. Hard work is not necessary, as the lake offers an abundance of fish — even for those lacking any fishing skill. Crappies are abundant each winter, as are white suckers.
Wisconsin River
If you’re a fisherman on the hunt for a good winter challenge, you’ll definitely want to head out for the Wisconsin River. Excursions here should be limited to extended periods of temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, as the ice thickness is not always sufficient enough to support the weight of the average fisher. But when conditions do prove decent for fishing, the Wisconsin River makes for an excellent site. You’ll find an abundance of smallmouth bass here, as well as bluegills. Keep in mind that both types of fish are capable of putting up a fight, which is why this fishing site is best left to those with at least moderate level of skills and experience.
Mirror Lake
Mirror Lake consists of a shallow impoundment along Dell Creek, later flowing into Lake Delton and, eventually, the Wisconsin River. The lake proves a popular fishing destination all year long, with many outdoorsy types venturing out into the cold each winter to explore the area’s diverse offerings. Smallmouth bass, bluegill, walleye and pan fish are all quite abundant here, offering visitors the potential for plenty of variety during any given fishing session.
Devil’s Lake
Located less than a half hour from Wisconsin Dells near the lovely city of Baraboo, Devil’s Lake offers one of the most picturesque ice fishing opportunities in the entire state of Wisconsin. Of course, most fishers come in hopes of obtaining more than a scenic view; fortunately, they also find themselves quite satisfied by the lake’s vast quantity of sunfish, crappies, carp and brown trout. The latter two of these fish species is not native, but rather, stocked annually by the Wisconsin DNR. However, fishers are encouraged to pursue both species, as their numbers are more than sufficient to support the recreational pursuits of locals and tourists alike.
Although it’s deemed the Water Park Capital of the World, there’s plenty more to Wisconsin Dells than its famous water slides and wave pools. Its natural water and chilly winter temperatures makes it a prime destination for ice fishing. This year, ditch the TV and pursue an adventure on one of the Dells’ beautiful bodies of water!