One of the best ‘feel good’, premiere charity golf outings of the year, the Easter Seals Wisconsin Golf Outing for Kids is quickly approaching on June 24th, 2014, and is sure to put a smile on your face! All event proceeds are donated to support Easter Seals Wisconsin’s camps for children and adults with disabilities. Hosted by Pat and Barry Richter, 2014 marks the 18th year of the golf outing’s success, and it aims to be one of the largest yet! Last year, the event had a turnout of nearly 230 individuals, and included various former Badger athletes as well as other Wisconsin notables!
Over the past 17 years, Golf Outing for Kids has raised nearly 2 million dollars benefiting Easter Seals Camp Wawbeek and the Wisconsin Elks/Easter Seals Respite Camp. Camp Wawbeek in the Wisconsin Dells is the oldest, continuously-operating Easter Seals Camp in the United States. The camp provides a barrier-free, inviting environment for kids and adults with disabilities to challenge themselves, achieve new goals, and build brighter, more independent futures while enjoying a ‘traditional’ camping experience. Campers are encouraged to relax, be themselves, develop new friendships, and create long-lasting memories in the serenity the outdoors has to offer. With help from previous Golf Outings and support from the community, Camp Wawbeek will be opening a new pool for the campers this 2014 summer season, replacing a pool that was built nearly half-a-century ago! According to most campers, their visit to the camp is the highlight of their year!
Easter Seals Wisconsin is currently registering teams and sponsors for their June 2014 event. Golfers can expect to tee-off for a cause at both Trappers Turn Golf Club and Wild Rock Golf Club in the Dells to show their support. Both are exquisite, world-class courses that are featured in our recent Wisconsin Dells Golf Courses blog. The event will have you getting autographs and photos with the pros, meeting fun new people, and participating in golf contests. Contests include ‘Hole-in-One’, the ‘Circle Game’, and ‘Beat the Pro’. In addition, players vie for the title of ‘Longest Drive’, ‘Longest Putt’ and ‘Closest to the Pin’. Following golf, participants head to Easter Seals Wisconsin Camp Wawbeek where they are able to mingle with current campers and hard-working staff and see what makes the camp so special.
Lives are being changed substantially due to the effort and support of everyone involved in the Easter Seals Wisconsin yearly golf outing. You can truly feel good about participating in this fun, world-class golfing event.
For more information regarding the event, view the event brochure. If you are looking to register for the golf outing, please contact Kris Ackley at (608) 237-1370 or email [email protected].
Can’t make it to the event this year, but still want to help donate to a great cause? Purchase a 2-for-1 Golf Card and the proceeds will benefit the Easter Seals Camp Wawbeek! With the card, you’ll receive 2-for-1 green fees at 24 of the area’s hottest courses and have access to over $950 in savings!
2014 Sponsors
Celebrity Level Sponsors
Kalahari Resorts Wisconsin Dells
Exclusive Level Sponsors
Bank of Wisconsin Dells.
Gift Level Sponsors
Decem Properties
Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort
Holiday Wholesale
Knucklehead’s Bowling & Indoor Amusement
Kraemer Brothers LLC
Moosejaw Pizza & Dells Brewing Company
Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park
Neuman Pools
Tanger Outlets Wisconsin Dells
The Suby Group
Toshiba America, Inc.
Corporate Level Sponsors
Associated Trust Company
Boardman & Clark, LLP
Frank Beer Distributors
Ho-Chunk Gaming – Wisconsin Dells
Krantz Electric
M3 Insurance
Original Wisconsin Ducks
Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company