Marley’s A Taste of the Caribbean – Celebrate Life 2014
Wisconsin Dells only American Cancer Society event
Talk about a feel-good event! Guests celebrated life this past Saturday at Marley’s A Taste of the Caribbean in Wisconsin Dells. The Celebrate Life event was held on September, 6th and raised money and awareness for the American Cancer Society (ACS).
The ACS event kicked off early for some. Guests moved and grooved to popular tunes with a zumba party from 9:30 am-11:30 am.
The main event was held from 3 pm-8 pm and was well worth the $20 admission donation. The bright colors of Marley’s created the perfect setting for a variety of family-friendly activities. Visitors were invited to take part in both live and silent auctions (with Todd Nelson, auctioneer) containing everything from a football signed by the Packers to durable patio furniture. The event also included a raffle with a chance to win the featured prize of $1000! The winners of this year’s raffle, Keith & Michelle Koehler, donated their prize back to the ACS cause!
Each year, a variety of donors contribute to making top-notch prize packages available to guests. Stories among those who attended were that of courage, triumph and loss due to the harsh battles with cancer. Visitors commented about the need for events like Celebrate Life; everyone’s lives seem to be touched by cancer in some way, shape or form.
Live music was provided for the evening by Brian Beebe and Friends (a welcome returning act to the Marley’s ACS stage). The band’s fun covers of current songs and original pieces were the perfect background for a night of storytelling.
The Celebrate Life event at Marley’s replaces the Wisconsin Dells Relay For Life (which ceased about 9 years ago). Celebrate Life has seen phenomenal support since its beginnings, and has been getting bigger and bigger with every passing year. Each year, the event raises over $50,000 to help fund research at the American Cancer Society, and this year was no exception.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to Marley’s A Taste of the Caribbean for hosting the Celebrate Life event and all attendees, in person and spirit, who are committed to the fight against cancer!